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Monday, July 30, 2007 

A Cautionary Tale

You have possibly heard of the typical scenario that always happens to everyone else. But hey, sometimes... it can happen to you! Well, that happened when I returned from my holiday two days ago, and I am not talking about winning the lottery big time.

I was starting to suffer from the pangs of the post-holiday blues, I decided to check my rather depleted bank account just to un-cheer me up that little bit more. My credit card seemed to be slightly on the heavy side debt-wise, and, as I have not used it for months, I just decided to check what the hell I had spent that extra money on.......

Well... I had not spent it, but someone else had! Actually, someone else had been buying tickets from Ryanair compulsively, possibly to import their family from abroad or to spend the rest of their viable lives in a sunnier place. Bloody hell...

I just thought of the last times I used my card, how many times it had been away from my hands or whether I had done any inet transactions. Well, not very feasible, but hey.... could not find any possible way of it being away from my hands at any moment, so, possibly, it must have been done a long time ago and now, with the summer almost here, they have decided to start using it.

Bank security team confirmed it was internet transactions (oh the joy), and I asked whether there was a way of knowing who the hell was flying, but they explained it would be Ryanair's responsibility on that one - i.e. if they want to prosecute. Sooooo my credit card has been cancelled, money will be refunded and all that, and I am still puzzled on how someone could be as stupid so as to spend all the money on tickets (which usually carry a passenger name) unless it is an international people smuggler.

On the brighter side, the little devil on my left shoulder is whispering on my ear that I should leave the country now that my credit card debt is actually non-existent!


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