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Tuesday, July 11, 2006 

Wedding Jungle II

The Explorer reports about the eating habits of the wedding attendees during The Incident. Some Gargantuan examples of food are shown for the Education of The Reader. Personal strategies to eat as much as one can in style - or in lack of it. A souvenir of our table.

Catering for a host of hungry atendees has never been easy. First, we have the hungry males enjoying both drinks and food without feeling guilty, comforted by the knowledge that at any moment they can always hide an open button behind their jackets. Such is the hunger of the wedding male that even the ever elegant groom allows himself to gather some energy to steal the food from his new brother in law (cuña-a-a-a-o!) in front of the cameras. Now, how can you still look elegant while gulping someone else's "pinchito"? That I don't know, but well done for the groom.

Alas, despite losing his cherished piece of chorizo al vino, the brother seems to be quite happy with his glass of beer - as one would expect - which was, by the way, non alcoholic. That was a magnificent touch of inspiration, this non alcoholic beer that they were serving, as in the scorching sun of the southern areas of Spain there is nothing more dangerous than clenching your thirst with alcohol... And we all know what happens next: one makes a fool of oneself during the wedding reception and becomes the unwanting protagonist of many of the jokes to come in subsequent weddings where one is expected to do exactly the same.

Going back to food matters, we keep on studying the behavioural aspects of wedding attendees during the reception. As one mentioned above, the male of the species, being the hungriest one, is the one that, just in case, takes preemtive steps regarding "la nourriture" (in case the catering company has decided to keep us all on a diet). Thus - and because the wife's party handbag is too small - we find examples of a hearty nourishing pocket sandwich in the following picture: a homemade loaf of bread for the bride and groom in case they were hungry. The Explorer was told that examples of this magnificent speciment of the art of bread can only be found in a wild and hidden place called Fernán Nuñez, which I am sure is a place full of surprises... big surprises...

Ah now, on to the females. I have to acknowledge that I could not take any pictures of a female gulping down the pinchitos. The fact that your humble self was using both hands to eat them is perhaps one of the reasons why the pictures are scarce. We were definitely well attended by the waiters and waitresses, and at some point, mouth and handsfull of edible goodies, I even had to wave them out of my way, as they seemed to be trying to stuff me with more food to see how much I could cope with at a time (and rather enjoying the comedy of it). There was no sympathy for my hurting and plastered feed. The lack of apparent enthusiasm for the food shown by the female of the species may have another explanation: the tight dresses. The bride, in her tailor made dress at times has to suffer, as inches are important to keep things in place, and the female invitees suffer in a proportional manner to keep up the appearances. Your humble self bought an elastic dress - knowing her tendency towards gluttony. The second possible explanation is that, being wiser than the impulsive males, they were just keeping the stomach space empty for the fabulous food to come, of which, again, there is not a single photographic example as it was much more fulfilling to eat it than to portray it. So, here I leave you with a little token in remembrance of our hungry table which, despite its multinational nature, was joined by the love of food (and much contented by the end of the soirée), and, to add a touch of sugar and spice to all this, by the love of the bride and groom


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