Summer Ant-ics
Every summer the sun comes out, I roll my trousers up to look like a proper tourist and sit out in the garden (when such facility is available) to have my breakfast. Thus, last week, I was enjoying all this summer-y feeling when I realized that the floor was full of little mounds of earth coming out from the cracks in the pavement. Damn! I should hoover all this dirt, what the hell has been going on here? Alas! all of it was swarming with very organised highways for ants. They had even organised a work chain connecting one side of the garden with the tree on the other side going through MY clothes line. Think of it... all my trousers full of the little things, and the shirts serving as passage for their travels! Eeek!
So Mannginger and I decided to terminate the little 'uns ASAP. After perusing through the shelves of the ever-stinking-of-plastic garden et alia shop, we bought some kind of magic powder that would elliminate them. Mannginger filled all the earth mounds with it and... next day they were gone!
With a certain spot of sadness (not that much) at their sudden annihilation, we wondered whether they had actually been killed on the spot, whether they were itching and hiding in their lairs dying a slow death, or whether they were just waiting for the powder to be washed away to come out again and take revenge? The answer came from next door the next day. We were picnic-ing in our ant-free garden when we heard our ever noisy next door neighbour on the phone: "... blah blah and I woke up yesterday and the kitchen floor was full of ants!"
Ah well, the little 'uns had just packed their bags and moved on to a greener grass... We packed our stuff and went back indoors to have a good old chuckle to his health. Let this be our little revenge for all those sleepless nights courtesy of next door and all the aaaahs and oooofs that happen everytime there's a football match on telly.